16 Aug

Drawing Inspiration For Your Book   

“Every writer I know has trouble writing.” ~ Joseph Heller   

If there is one thing that writers yearn for a lot of times, it is having a magic trick to apply or a button to tap on that would start a rapid flow of words and make you write non-stop. Imagine if it happens but only under one condition, in which case you’ll have a non-stop flow of useless words that don’t mean a thing to your story and only ruin your efforts. 

To make your story sound human, it will need to be fulfilled with inspiration and energy. Every writer has a different pace of writing and coming up with inspiration for books. For a lot of writers, it’s not just a walk in the park or reading that acts as a source of inspiration for them. 

From a beginner writer to an established author, everybody feels stuck somewhere and goes through a block where they feel like they do not have it to actually deliver meaningful words. Though the writing process works in different ways for each, there are a few routes to consider which may help you get back on track and feel re-energized to start writing again with a fresh mind. 

  • Read something different: Reading or writing about the same kind of stuff for a long period of time can make you feel bored and exhausted. Consider taking a break from the usual type of book or genre you write about and read something different to grow a fresh perspective. 

If you usually read about say business in non-fiction, and fiction writers for hire , go for self-help or historical books, and light-hearted comedy romance in respective genres to make a room for inspiration.   

  • Travel: Travelling to places you like visiting can help you spend some time away from your workspace and freshens your mind. From mountains and hills, to beaches and cities, you can choose to go wherever you desire and reconnect with yourself on a deeper level if you travel solo. 

This will help you draw inspiration from new spots, towns, people, random conversations, and nature. 

  • Observe surroundings and random things: By noticing and observing little things in your surrounding that you usually miss out on because they seem irrelevant and not a special part of your routine, you can reconnect with your surroundings, offer help, and spend time looking at random thing around you that stay with you on a day-to-day basis.

Feeling grateful about these things will make you feel empathetic and observant about little stuff and help you focus more on your story.  

  • Connect with people: Having friendly conversations with family or catching up with an old friend can be a really good source to draw inspiration from. Depending on what you talk about, you can possibly use some knowledge and inspiration for your story from these conversations.

Showing your book progress to your friends and family for feedback is also a great way to know how to move ahead with your book theme.   

  • Brainstorm hypothetical questions: For a lot of people, brainstorming random ideas or asking hypothetical questions helps them reach a certain idea or a book element they want to address in their stories. Asking ‘what-if’ questions about anything can lead you to wonderful ideas that you can eventually incorporate in your books.  

How To Get Your Book Published   

Though book writers for hire  in itself is already a long process, it is not the sole achievement you may enjoy- it’s only the first step of another long journey of presenting it to your readers. A lot of authors dream of getting their books published so that the audience can witness their creativity and that the authors can enjoy making a name for themselves. 

There are two main routes to publish your book. One is via self-publishing, and the other is publishing your book traditionally. To consider which route will prove best for you, you will need to go through the pros and cons of each process and the net benefits you get from them. 

  • Self-publishing: An easier and convenient way to make your stories available to readers is by publishing your book on your own, whether in paperback or online. Self-publishing is a successful way to get your ideas across millions of readers online and in-person because it gives you the creative freedom for your work. In contrast to traditional publishing, you’ll have full control over how your book gets published and you also get more royalties. The only drawback of this route is that you will have to bear all the expenses of the publishing process since you are solely responsible for all the activities associated with publishing your book. 

  • Traditional publishing: Traditional publishing means when you want to get your book published by a small or large publishing house. This route has an advantage over self-publishing in that the authors get a chance to enjoy the perks of having their work in front of a larger and more intellectual audience. You will also save your efforts on editing and filtering your book contents since it’s the responsibility of a publishing house to do all the marketing and selling for you. However, you won't be able to own the copyright of your work and will only receive a small percentage of royalties.
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